- 23-3-25-David Walker 1:04:41
- 16-3-25-Jelinda Adams-A Journey of Faith 49:27
- 9-3-25-Sue Lim-Activate and Bellieve 40:49
- 2-3-25-Patrick Lim-Having a kingdom Mindset 49:16
- 23-2-25-Keni-Lesatele-Don't get put on the fire 56:42
- 16-2-25-Patrick Lim- Living in the Spirit pt2 58:49
- 9-2-25Kristen Williams- Four places 1:06:56
- 2-2-25-Benny Tan -Running the Race 55:31
- 26-1-25-Jelinda Adams-Living a lfe of Purpose 41:32
- 19-1-25-Sue Lim 47:06